苹果Mac os系统中在终端下打开APP应用程序方法介绍

用户在Mac os平台上配置文件的时候有时候需要在Mac终端里面配置一些文件,这时候就需要用命令在终端里面打开app应用程序,但是有很多的用户不会使用终端命令,小编为大家提供了一个在终端下打开APP应用程序的教程。
打开终端 直接输入 open /Applications/xxx(应用的名称).app 比如打开iTunes输入:open /Applications/iTunes.app (注意open之后需要空格再输入斜杠 / )
Mac 下在终端中打开应用程序的命令
The command is simply open (which can also be used for opening directories). The most basic example of launching an application:
open /path/to/some.app
More complex possibilities also exist:
open "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/foo.txt"
opens the document in the default application for its type (as determined by LaunchServices).
open /Applications/
opens that directory in the Finder.
open -a /Applications/TextEdit.app "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/foo.txt"
opens the document in the application specified (in this case, TextEdit).
open -e "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/foo.txt"
opens the document in TextEdit (the -e option specifies TextEdit).
open http://www.apple.com/
opens the URL in the default browser (lynx, naturally *wink*)
open "file://localhost/Volumes/Macintosh HD/foo.txt"
opens the document in the default application for its type (as determined by LaunchServices).
open "file://localhost/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Applications/"
opens that directory in the Finder.
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